Saturday, November 19, 2011

Photoshop winner!!

Can I just say you guys are the greatest! I mean obviously we would still be blogging even if no one read our blog (since once upon a time no one did) You guys are all so sweet! I loved reading each of your comments and it's fun finding out what your favorite projects/posts have been. Pretty sure it was a pretty good hint that I should likely post the final sewing 101 post and my shiwn counter part is way over due for a skin post. She is working on a great one. A post I am in dire need of, taking care of dry skin! Oh man winter is rough, I feel like my skin thinks I am 80! SO yes some of those will be coming, and of course the kids clothes will always continue, (it is my passion)
Now let's get down to the good stuff... The winner of the Photoshop giveaway! so cheerfully selected lucky number 72! (whoop whoop!)

So "Marlie@ crafting, cooking, and cats" Thank you so much for following us!! You should have an email in your inbox later on today to arrange the details!

Thank you everyone for entering I wish I could give one out to everyone!

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