Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Sweet Deer Applique

 Are you all recovering from what seemed like a halloween overload around here... we had a preschool party on Thursday a halloween part on Friday, trunk or treat and trick or treating with friends last night. It seemed like it never ended and even Jude pointed out that he had so much candy he would be sick for a year! So in light of the craziness let's keep it simple today. A great little applique today. You know because I have a deer obsession, they have a way of making it on to clothing... Like THIS and THIS so It made it's way on to this top as well...
 With a sweet little bow since Abbey is obsessed with bows. (because Minnie Mouse wears a bow)
 So you can use this basic idea to add a silhouette to any top, a new one that you are making or one you picked up from the store, it's also a great way to cover a stain on a top if your kids are as messy as mine then you likely have a pile. So to start I used some wool felt. It's cut by the yard at the store, and you can get about 1/4 a yard and you will have plenty. It's nice and thick so it is sturdy and easy to cut. Then I looked up a picture I wanted. I found this one but instead of printing it I just kind of used it as my idea and cut the shape out free hand. You could also print it out and use it as a stencil. Then pin the cut out to the top in a few places to keep it centered while you sew.
 Simply sew a top stitch line all around the edge. If you wanted to have help keeping it still while you sew you could use wonder under, but it stays put pretty well. Then to make it more femminine, I made a little bow with a button in the middle. and I sewed it down. Super easy.
 I especially love when the graphic is oversized so it makes a statement and the bow is a perfect little pop. Now to make a matching one for Abbey...
 The perfect little feminine touch...

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